Rocky Dawuni, renowned Ghanaian singer, three-time Grammy nominee, and creator of the ‘Afro Roots’ sound, recently had a lively interview with Nana Zeal on Class FM. He opened up about his music journey and his latest track, Rise, while offering insights into the state of music today.
In the interview, Dawuni emphasized that his music resonates deeply with his culture and life experiences. He highlighted that music must carry a meaningful message to the audience. Moreover, he questioned the modern music scene, which often revolves around trends and algorithms, asking listeners to reflect on their music choices. “Are you a product of the algorithmic hack of our mindset and our music, or are you a free person who plays music to reflect culture and empower your ecosystem?” he challenged.
When asked about his first Grammy nomination, Dawuni revealed that it didn’t come easily. Detailing that, his album Hymns for the Rebel Soul, gained international attention, being featured in movies, video games, and other platforms. This laid the foundation for his next album, Branches Of The Same Tree, which brought his first Grammy nomination. He explained that the work done on Hymns for the Rebel Soul raised expectations for his subsequent releases, leading to the success of Branches of the Same Tree. The album was launched with Kumbancha, a major world record label, which further propelled his career.
Dawuni also shared insights into his latest track, Rise. He described it as a piece of art that reflects who we are as a people and our culture. In addition, he expressed his hope for a global impact, stating, “We try to make art that speaks to us and resonates with who we are, yet stands on its own and demands attention.”
On the topic of musicians performing at political campaign platforms, especially with the upcoming 2024 elections, Dawuni avoided taking a political stance. However, he advised musicians to carefully consider the implications of aligning with political figures, urging them to be mindful of the long-term effects on their careers.
Rocky Dawuni continues to represent African music on the global stage, using his platform to celebrate culture, deliver powerful messages, and inspire positive change.