- Samson was strong and God gave him that strength for His purpose. God gives you a gift or talent for His own purpose. Find it.
- Samson did exploits that made other nations against Israel to fear him. Your gift will make you valuable where ever you go.
- However, Samson had a weakness and that was women. It is important that you identify your weaknesses and try to avoid them.
- Delilah, a woman made Samson’s strength disappear. If you don’t tackle your weakness, it can diminish your gift.
- When his strength was gone, the enemies tied him up and gouged out his eyes. When the devil weakens you, he first takes away your vision. Without vision or focus, you are lost and can’t see where you are going. Vision is the compass that guides your adventurous ship to its destination. Without it, you can never reach the end line. You will run around in circles.
- Samson was then imprisoned. When your vision is gone, you are no longer relevant to the world or to yourself.
- But even in prison, Samson realised his mistake and asked God for another chance. Though his eyes were out, God still gave him back his strength and the Bible says on his last day, Samson killed more Philistines than he had ever done before. When you sincerely repent and ask God’s mercy and restoration, your comeback will be more massive than your previous achievements. God is a God of amazing restoration but it all depends on your true repentance.
- Note that though he had lost his sight, Samson was still used by God for exploits. It doesn’t matter what you lost during your weak moments. God can use that same loss to create a greater victory for you. That is what we call a MIRACLE.