Terry Asare Boamah, known by his stage name Dada Hafco, is a famous Ghanaian highlife musician. He believes that raising the Highlife Song category to the highest award at the TELECEL GHANA MUSIC AWARDS (TGMA) would greatly promote the genre
Currently, at the TGMA, the ultimate prize is given to the Artiste of the Year. However, the “Our Story,” crunner thinks that the focus should shift from Artiste of the Year to Highlife Song of the Year. He argues that this change would draw more attention to the highlife genre, giving it the best exposure.
“The TGMA is often criticized, but it’s a platform where facts are recognized. If the TGMA awards the ultimate prize to the Highlife Song of the Year, it would inspire many artists to aim for that honor. It would amplify the highlife agenda,” he said on Kwame Dadzie’s Showbiz A-Z on Joy 99.7 FM.
Dada Hafco believes that making Highlife Song of the Year the top award would inspire more artists to create highlife music. This, in turn, would help the genre grow and gain more popularity.