Oside Oluwole, known as “Khoded,” has set a new world record for the longest video game marathon. He played a soccer game for an astonishing 75 hours. This amazing feat adds another accolade to Nigeria’s list of world records.
Unlike the previous seven record holders who played either FIFA or Pro Evolution Soccer, Oside played Dream League Soccer 2023 on his iPhone. He connected his phone to a TV screen to play the game. His dedication and endurance have made him a new world record holder.
This is not the first time Nigeria has celebrated such an achievement. Last year, Hilda Baci was declared the winner of the longest cooking marathon by the Guinness World Record. Baci’s cooking marathon started on Thursday, May 11th, and continued through Monday, May 15th. During her four-day cooking marathon, she prepared over 100 pots of food. She broke the previous record of 87 hours and 45 minutes set by Lata Tondon from India in 2019.
Oside’s gaming marathon and Baci’s cooking marathon show the determination and talent of Nigerians. These accomplishments highlight the diverse skills and dedication of people in Nigeria, setting impressive world records in various fields.
Oside Oluwole’s 75-hour video game marathon is a remarkable achievement, showcasing his passion and stamina. Nigeria can be proud of another world record, adding to the nation’s growing list of global achievements.