Renowned Ghanaian comedian, Mr. Quist, also known as Efo Red, is set to host the much-anticipated “Half Baked Comedy” event, the rebirth edition, on January 8, 2024 at the prestigious Jewels Lounge & Bar (Adjacent Best Point Savings & Loan, Old Peace Fm building).
With his sharp wit, quick humor, and infectious charm, Efo Red is sure to bring the house down and leave the audience in stitches throughout the night.
Known for his unique style of comedy that often touches on everyday life, cultural anecdotes, and social commentary, Mr. Quist has established himself as a household name in the Ghanaian comedy scene. His ability to connect with audiences of all ages and backgrounds has made him a favorite among comedy enthusiasts and has garnered him a loyal following.
Mr. Quist (Efo Red)
The rebirth edition of “Half Baked Comedy” promises to be an electrifying evening filled with laughter, entertainment, and pure comedic genius. Efo Red’s comedic prowess will be on full display as he takes the stage to deliver his trademark blend of humour that has earned him acclaim both locally and internationally.
Having honed his craft over the years, Mr. Quist brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the comedy stage. His natural flair for storytelling, impeccable timing, and razor-sharp wit have solidified his status as one of Ghana’s most beloved comedians.
Jewels’ Lounge & Bar, known for its elegant ambiance and state-of-the-art facilities, provides the perfect backdrop for Efo Red to showcase his comedic talents. The venue’s intimate setting and world-class amenities are sure to enhance the overall experience for comedy lovers in attendance.
As the host of “Half Baked Comedy,” Mr. Quist is set to bring together a diverse lineup of talented comedians who will join him in delivering a night of side-splitting humor. Audiences can expect an evening filled with laughter, surprises, and unforgettable moments as some of the best comedic talents in Ghana take center stage.
With Efo Red at the helm, the rebirth edition of “Half Baked Comedy” is poised to be a must-see event that promises to leave a lasting impression on all who attend. Whether you’re a devoted fan of Mr. Quist or a newcomer to the world of Ghanaian comedy, this is an event that should not be missed.
Important details about the event:
Date/ Time: Monday 8th JANUARY 2024
Tickets purchase: dial 71333*620# to purchase tickets for GHc50 only.
Call: 0206713364